Monday, June 30, 2008

i love...

-brown and pink shoes
-cool glasses
-gehrig's room
-gilmore girls
-bubble tea
-jeta grove
-orchard road
-cary grant
-dr pepper
-my momma and daddy
-email surveys
-my siblings
-hms pinafore
-coffee bean ice blendeds
-the tenant of wildfell hall
-pensacola beach
-chocolate chip cookies

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

i associate various things with various things

i guess most people do, but i think i'm slightly more extreme in my associations. anything i ate or was around when i got sick, i associate that with sickness. this particular trait ticked mike off when i began associating krispy kreme donuts with hurling. i couldn't go near the place for over a year--i'm just now getting to where i can eat donuts again. baked spaghetti and lasagna are still completely out of the question *blech*.
even i will admit my associating has gotten ridiculous. when i was first pregnant, i was nauseated and exhausted all the time. add to that a stomach virus and a stressful work situation and you've got a pretty miserable time. now i get sick any time i think about anything i ate or did during that period of time. kristen heitzmann used to be one of my favorite authors, but i was reading a series by her then and now even looking at her books makes me nauseated. for the longest time downtown repulsed me, but i think i might be getting over that. i tried listening to audio adrenaline the other day and immediately felt sick. don't even get me started on food... (much to mike's dismay, jack in the box is a place i can never go again).
so, yeah, i'm weird.
life's going well. work's slightly busy, but that's okay. i'd rather be busy than bored. gehrig does a good job most of the time. he just sleeps in his carseat. i daresay i have the best baby ever. i have spoiled him a little though. i never knew how painful it is to hear your own baby cry. but i've decided that he'll be much happier in the long run if i let him cry now. so naptime has been a little rough for the past few days. he's doing better though. i haven't rocked him to sleep in two days. :( that's kinda sad and good at the same time.
gehrig definitely has burke blood--he loves music. if he's really upset, the only thing that settles him down is if i sing to him. yesterday he was lying on the floor and i was singing to him, and he started singing with me! i mean, obviously the kid didn't carry a tune or anything, but it was a definite attempt to sing. guess we've got another baby genius on our hands.
but then, with me for a mom, what did you expect?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

pet peeve

it is a well-known fact that i am a grammar snob, but there's something i especially can't stand. people who claim to be grammar snobs yet have atrocious grammar themselves. i can excuse the occasional misplaced comma, apostrophe, or misspelled word; but come on, people, if you're going to claim to be picky about grammar, learn how to use punctuation! not capitalizing letters or spacing stuff funny for style's sake is quite different from unclear punctuation and spelling. i mean, look at ee cummings--the rebel himself--he still used correct grammar and spelling while being completely original (i admit his poetry is my guilty pleasure). point? i don't know. i just get annoyed is all.
